Cold Laser Treatment
Cold Laser Therapy
Cold laser therapy is a treatment that utilizes specific wavelengths of light to interact with tissue. Cold Laser Therapy helps accelerate the healing process and is used on patients who suffer from various acute and chronic conditions to help eliminate pain, swelling, reduce spasms and increase functionality.
How does cold laser therapy work?
The cold laser uses the form of non-thermal photons of light to supply engird to the body. They are omitted from the laser and pass through the skin's layers. Once it reaches the target area, it interacts with the cell, normalizing damaged or injured tissue, reducing pain, inflammation, and much more.
How does cold laser therapy benefit the users?
Rapid Pain Relief and Stimulates the immune system
Reduces inflammation and increases blood supply as well as generates new and healthy cells and tissue
Improves healing process and stimulate nerve function and repair
Increase speed and strength of tissue repair
What does cold laser effectively treat?
Tendon and ligament injuries - RSI, tendonitis, tennis elbow, golfers elbow
Soft tissue injuries - plantar fascia
Muscles Strains and tears
Sore muscles and joints
Degenerative joint conditions - arthritis
Neurological conditions - migraines, carpal tunnel, concussions, sciatica, memory issues
Musculoskeletal disorders -fibromyalgia, TMJ, tension headaches
Anti-inflammation applications - swelling, burns, acne